Potatoes rule!
Monday, March 30, 2009 @
sdlvjakldnaldnfawhfioawefn my job is getting shittier and shitter by the minute so



Why is everyone's eyes begitu eh. Vampire kot.

Din got Dan a bola cake. Asal BOLA eh?



It was nice and relaxing. Allen got the food and cooked OMG pari and kentangs Masyaallah. Ok now aku terbayangan gurauan.



Da besar sey ni anak. Bye ah

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 @ test
create payroll process payroll and generate the payslip
ensure that the amounts are reflected correctly in the payslip.

oh hello stranger
Hello stranger, do you like potatoes? I oh-so-love potatoes, they give me high sensations. If you hate potatoes, I hate you. So, go join the anti-potato-ians and hide in a corner.

potato chips
My name is Potatoe, with the 'e' behind. I love potato chips! :D My mama says that ice-cream doesn't come in potato flavour. So my dream is to create a potato-flavoured ice-cream! And potato-flavoured vegetables, meat and possibly, cookies. I also want to design potato-peel clothes. Bwahahaha, POTATOES SHALL DOMINATE THE WORLD!

talk it out
I recommend this. It's potato-friendly. :D

train to nowhere
Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link

.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.